Part 121: Low-Level Run - Chapter 3

When we left off, Aps slew himself for us and Taft died again. Motifs.

Ah, my muse, my friend, my lover, my savior.

Screw that, I'm going to spend 2 hours here.

Aerated still has fury, and Healing Wind still heals more than it takes for her level 1 limit to fill.

This is a Deenglow.
Say hi to the Deenglow, children.
I'm going to steal 99 Ethers from them.

While Aeris keeps the team going with an endless stream of Healing Winds.
I hope that the game tracks limit uses even on runs because I should get Seal Evil twice after this.

So a pile is starting.

A pile is growing.

The pile is complete.

And I even steal a Striking Staff for Aerated. God knows if I'll ever use it though since it'd be easier just to grenade things.

And since she leaves soon, I borrow her mythril bangle and take her materia.

fat guy gets shot and falls

So this is the point of the ether theft. Mad cash.

So I buy 99 potions, some phoenix downs, hypers, and 99 grenades.

I get in a few random encounters but they weren't tooooooo bad.

Also I ignore Biggs and Jesse entirely. God I'm a jerk.

Barrel gets a Mythril Armlet and Restore+All. Everyone is made really fuckin' pissed.

Reno has 1000 HP, so I want to get him close but not dead so I can have to solo the battle as little as possible.

Thank god for calculators.

CLOUD's Braver is dealing decent enough damage.

Grenades are even better, especially for suicide.

And CLOUD gets the EXP for this one.

It puts him up to level 8.

Thank god he didn't notice that before or it may have went off when I was fighting Reno.

I got into a random encounter with CLOUD alone and as soon as it ended this cutscene started so

Well anyway I have to present the corpse of Barrel to his daughter.

No you see Marlene I am courting your father and

Little late for that, dear.

Now I can avoid having to use an actual calculator sometimes!

I still love this line.

I get a fourth mythril bangle for reasons I still don't understand. What's my motivation here?

N-Nooooo 300 of my 50000 gil....

That is entirely not worth the effort.

I have to sneak because busting in causes forced battles/

Free Elixir at least.

There's no forced healing in between Reno and these three, so Barrel and Taft are still deceased.

CLOUD gets his limit while waiting for the first grenade, so he gets another turn in nearly instantly so as to remove the first Mighty Grunt.

Cross Slash and a Grenade takes out the second one while reducing the damage he takes... (why did I screenshot the 2nd guy not moving it doesn't show very well

and a quick Cure means the last grunt can't kill CLOUD before the tosses so many Grenades.

close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

If I get in a fight before getting in the elevator, everything is lost as the battles on this floor are inescapable.

I savescummed.

Though it'd be nice to keep Taft and Barrel dead, I have things to steal and keeping just CLOUD alive to do it feels risky.

First, I get a set of Carbon Bangles for a smidge more defense and an extra materia slot.

haha, sucks to be you.

and I get CLOUD a fancy new sword.

Armed to the teeth. Next time, juggling people as reserve characters get EXP!